Kite - the home of close Encounters kites

About Us

Allan and Marilyn have been flying kites for more than a quarter of a century. They've held British dual and quad line titles in Team, Pairs and Individual kite flying and are resolute in their aims to encourage others to share and indulge in their passion of kite flying.

Here we will bring you our newest and the best of our old favourites. Often, you'll find here and in our articles section, you'll find the latest releases and kites we can personally recommend. Keep up with the shows and exhibitions we attend and the beaches and fields we fly at just for fun.

Back in the days before YouTube we had to learn 'How to' the hard way; now, we are pleased to provide hints and tips on some of things that you knew - or then perhaps you didn't? These things take time but we hope to grow this section to help novice and experienced flyers alike.

Quick links to our latest and our favourite videos below

Before you fly a kite

Always read the instructions first. These would normally give the proper assembly information as well as basic flying hints and tips. A guideline to the strength of the wind suitable for the kite may also be printed — do not exceed this as the kite can become uncontrollable

Never fly kites in wet or stormy weather. Static electricity can build up and be conducted down the line. This is also the reason why you should never fly a kite with wire or anything metallic in the line.

Never fly kites over other peoples’ heads or in an area where someone else could be injured from an out of control kite. Always make sure there is plenty of room around you.

Be aware of the risk of strangulation. It takes only a second for children, adults or animals to be come entangled. Some kites are easily powerful enough to lift children or animals high in to the air and dump them without warning.

Do not fly close to roads or paths. Not only can it be dangerous if the kite comes down but it can distract drivers as well.

Keep away from overhead power lines, transmission towers, telephone lines and aerials. If your kite gets caught—DO NOT attempt to rescue it yourself—ask for help from the right people such as the electricity company.

Always be aware of what is behind you, be it people, roads or even cliffs! It is easy to be distracted by the kite and step back.

Always wear appropriate gloves for strong pulling kites. All kite lines will easily cut or abrade the skin, remove digits or even limbs! Using abrasive coated lines or Kevlar will increase this risk.

Do not fly near airports or above 200 feet (60 metres).

Always tidy up after you. Take away any odd bits of line you have discarded, the bag that the kite came in, etc. Dispose responsibly or recycle.

Be careful of animals, they can be easily frightened by flying kites—particularly dual and four line kites.

If you have purchased a dual line sports or power kite, consider taking lessons in how to fly the kite, the kite trader you bought the kite from should be able to guide you in the right direction. Close Encounters Kite Display Team give free lessons. Training is particularly important for power kites as these can be very dangerous if not flown properly.

Finally, be courteous and think of others. Not everyone is happy with kites buzzing around them. If someone else thinks your kite is a danger to others and asks you to stop—do so. They may be more aware of what is happening than you are.

Disclaimer and Advice

Kite Displays/Close Encounters Kites, their operators, owners, sponsors, administrators, or associated organisations accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any information posted on this site or any linked external sites or for the content of such sites or any actions you take as a result of following any instruction, advice, tuition or information offered.

The opinions expressed within this site may not necessarily be those of, or shared by, the webmaster, site editor or third party associates.

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